International Best Seller!
The Accidental Real Estate Millionaire
An inspiring biography on how Roy Cleeves built his fortune in the real estate industry.

About The Book
“Making my first million was easy yet not fast. In fact, the most challenging part was believing that I could become a millionaire.”
When my business partner, Michelle Carty, approached me about writing a book, I knew she was right!
Michelle said to me, “Roy, You have to get your story out there. You made over sixty deals in your first year in real estate. You’ve helped many agents get on their feet. It’s time to model what you do and share your knowledge with people around the world.” These are the comments that allowed me to take a step back and reevaluate myself as a businessman.
During my first year in real estate, I hit the jackpot, making over sixty deals. I was told that these stats are rare in your first year in real estate, so I knew I was on the right track in the industry.
In this book, I’ll share with you my experiences in the world of real estate, from when I got my license to how I got into investing and the partnerships that allowed me to evolve along the way. I’ll take you through the art of making a good business deal, how to satisfy your clients and the right kind of investments that will lead you to financial freedom.

What’s inside
We all experience varying degrees of our own success in life, whether you’re in technical jobs, engineering, accounting, medical, the technology sector, the education arena, or sales; success is the product of our individual mindset and how we persevere along the way.
Success can be achieved through a clear vision of what it is you truly want, desire, and your belief in yourself and what you can accomplish.
When Gordon So and my business partner, Michelle Carty, both nudged to write a book, I knew they were right!
Gordon is a long time friend of mine, through Thomas Wong. His vision led the way to bring the Accidental Real Estate Millionaire to the forefront. Gordon was determined to make my book happen. His encouragement, along with Michelle’s is what brought me to these pages.
Michelle would always say to me, “Roy, You have to get your story out there. You made over sixty deals in your first year in real estate. You’ve helped many agents get on their feet. It’s time to model what you do and share your knowledge with people around the world.” These are the comments that allowed me to take a step back and reevaluate myself as a businessman.
During my first year in real estate, I hit the jackpot when I made over sixty deals. I was told that these stats are rare in your first year in real estate, so I knew I was on the right track in the industry.
In this book, I’ll share with you my experiences in the world of real estate, from when I got my license to how I got into investing and the partnerships that allowed me to evolve along the way. I’ll take you through the art of making a good business deal, how to satisfy your clients, and the right kind of investments that will lead you to financial freedom.
Making my first million was easy yet not fast. In fact, the most challenging part was believing that I could become a millionaire. The next step was formulating a plan that would take me towards all that I was capable of accomplishing. The key was to not only expand on something I enjoyed doing but to master a pathway that suited my skill set.
What you are willing to do or not willing to do will set your direction in life. Allowing people to help you achieve your goals is something that takes trust and a sense of vulnerability. I had to become truly vulnerable in my life to be able to find the courage to make the right moves towards the bigger picture.
This book will also go through the stories of how I built my empire, starting with how I use a positive mindset to sustain success, how I grew from there to becoming the person, the husband, the father, the visionary, and the businessman I am today.
By showing gratitude and asking for help and support when I needed it, I was able to author my own life in a way that brought me happiness and success. I was also able to keep my motivation and vision clear on my way to the top.
The Accidental Real Estate Millionaire has been a long time coming. I’m happy that Gordon So and Michelle Carty convinced me to take the plunge and get my message out there.
As you turn through the pages of this book, I hope you feel joy and inspiration from my struggles and triumphs. Take a journey through the world of real estate as I share my experiences in business, rent-to-owns, and investments. Who knows, maybe you will get the itch to make a new investment in your life, too!
Chapter One
Part One:
The Young Wheeler & Dealer
As long as I can remember, I was driven by my love for money. I knew money was essential to have, and I wanted to do what I could to accumulate it!
When I was very young, I was in Tobermory, Ontario, with my family, and I saw something glimmering in the water. I was like a magpie, “oh, shiny!”
There it was, bright as the sun’s rays, a quarter in the water. As I was mesmerized staring at it, I began to formulate a plan on how I was going to get it. The water was deep and cold; it was where the ferries came in. I wasn’t able to swim at this time, but I was determined to make a move.
The shine of the quarter just drew me in, closer and closer. As I began to reach, I fell in!
Oh boy, was that water cold! As I’m thrashing around, I can hear my sister screaming, “Help, help! He fell in!”
There was a lady who jumped into action to help me. She dove into the water and pulled me out.
As I was freaking out, my sister is freaking out, and we both started running, but I started running in the opposite direction of my sister; away from the cottage. “It’s this way; it’s this way,” she exclaimed.
She ran into the cottage to get our parents. Like a bat out of hell, my dad came and got me. When I got back to the cottage, I felt the warmth of my mother’s arms and the fear in her chest. I felt lucky to be alive and finally safe. If that lady didn’t pull me out, I would have drowned that day. That was the first near-death experience I had, and it was all for the love of money.
As we drove home, I couldn’t get my mind off that quarter. I missed my target this time. Next time, I’d be smarter. I never forgot that day, and my urge for money grew stronger as I became a young man.
Part Two:
Gut Values
When I was a teenager, I was always in a rush because most teenagers are. I loved pizza pockets and other fast foods, so I knew we needed a microwave to heat things quickly.
My mom and dad said, “No, it’s far too expensive.”
Puzzled, I thought to myself, it was only $700 from Sears, and I have some money saved up. I knew I had enough money to buy it, so I decided to approach my mom and dad with a deal.
“Mom and Dad, I will buy the microwave, and I will rent it to you for 50 cents a day if you’re okay with that deal.”
They said, “Yes, we will do that deal.” So, we went to Sears and bought the microwave, and I don’t remember what age this was, I do know I was well under 16 years of age because I didn’t have my driver’s license and microwaves were massive back then.
Over the course of two and a half years, they paid me steadily; this was my first experience of creating a contract. I was hooked. Since that first big purchase, microwaves have drastically reduced in price and size. So, my mom and dad said, “Okay, we’re ready to exit the deal. We’re going to buy our own microwave, and this is now your microwave.”
I was able to get half of the microwave paid for, while using the product myself for that two and a half years before they bought their own, and then, of course, we all used the smaller one. I still used that one when I moved out, that was my first microwave until eventually, I wanted a smaller one.
So there you have it, my first rental was a microwave. At a young age, my focus was on chasing money and creating possibilities. I didn’t know this mindset would lead me down the road to success later in life, leading me to become a millionaire.
We all start in this world surrounded by people we look up to and depend on to care for and raise us, along with mentoring us as we grow older to learn that everything has its price. If we work hard for what it is we want in life, we care for it much more than if it was just given to us. The value goes up. My parents always taught me that value, even with simple things like getting a pop to drink from the house. I couldn’t just grab a drink out of the fridge. Instead, I would cut the grass, and then I would get the pop!
I understood that everything is worth something, and knowing that from a young age has benefited me in many different ways throughout my life— in the way I do business and how I’ve learned to make smart investments. In fact, I believe it’s one of the reasons I got into investing in properties. I understood the value of each investment I made and used it to create something more out of it, not only for my own benefit but for the benefit of the people around me.
I always think back to my early days, wheeling and dealing, and I’m thankful that my parents directed me to grasp the concept of gut values. It’s funny that when you’re a kid, you think that your parents are out to get you, but in reality, they are out to shape you.
As you turn through the pages of this book, I hope you feel joy and inspiration from my struggles and triumphs. Journey through the world of real estate as I share my experiences in business, rent-to-owns, and investments. Who knows, maybe you will get the itch to make a new investment in your life, too!

About the author.

Roy has an Honours in Bachelor of Business Administration. He is a graduate from Wilfrid Laurier University. Roy invests in various Real Estate Projects including an amazing rent-to-own program. At present, his real estate holding exceeds 18 properties, including three in the Orlando area of Florida, USA.
As a Real Estate Investor, Roy realized that he should know even more about the process of buying and selling real estate, so it was only natural for Roy to become a Realtor as this is his passion!
Now the CC Realty Group is one of the top teams in all of Keller Williams Canada Brokerages and specifically at Keller Williams Golden Triangle Realty and Keller Williams Edge Realty.
Roy Cleeves